Mama Bear Screen Door

It’s incredibly intense for me when I’m bringing forth something from my mind into reality. There is a lot of anxiety on weather or not it’s all going to work out in the end. I have ADHD and I like to think of hyper-focus as a superpower. It can also be exhausting. I literally would not eat or sleep while in the midst of a big project if it wasn’t for Jason. He feeds me and makes me come in from the workshop. Hours go by in what feels like moments, and I even dream about the project. It’s pretty cool being able to problem solve in your sleep, but leaves you feeling like you didn’t get much rest! I check out from everything and everyone, there is only the project. I can’t describe how incredibly blessed I feel having THE MOST AMAZING, UNDERSTANDING, SUPPORTIVE HUSBAND EVER! Jason even helps me through the week or so of recovery needed after a long project like the Mama Bear Door. It was a big success! After solving a few installation challenges it looks amazing! I learned a lot and improved my design with this one. The new owner loves it and is spreading the word. It’s funny but I was a little sad to see it go. A little heart and soul went into this one!


Here We Go!